Sunday 9 August 2015



Dear Reader, I stumbled on two incidents of scriptures, one of Hindu Mythology, and another, of Christian Mythology, both depicting Two Noble Souls, as suddenly  turning selfish, greedy and hateful by their actions, which looks illogical. They might have been compelled by a Power (not an evil power!) to act as they did, against their nature,  only as a Supreme Sacrifice of their life and honor , for the fulfillment of purpose  of God! We may call  this “ Gods Seek Boon From Humans”
One is KaiKeyee in Ramayana and  the other, Judas in Bible. .I have great respect for both Epics.
 Please read through with un-biased and open mind
{ Back-ground note:
General belief is that Judas, a close disciple of Christ, turned a traitor and betrayed Jesus to the Jewish priests for a paltry sum of money, resulting in His crucifixion. But in a documentary in T.V. History channel I saw that archaeologists recently found an old papyrus record of Biblical Period showing Judas as a true follower of Christ.  The episode below  is based on that story
As can be seen in the famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci,’The Last Supper” Judas is sitting close to Jesus. It sounds very logical that Judas, a close associate of Jesus, could have done such a treacherous act as betraying his own Masters soon after the Last Supper, only under some compelling purpose. Here is my personal feeling. Though I am a non-Christian I have all reverence to Christ and Christianity.  Hence I hope this skit will not offend the sentiments of any rational Thinker. I beg excuse for any inadvertent and unintentional error.

Time:  After THE LAST SUPPER, all have left and Jesus is alone with Judas:

Jesus:              Judas My friend, you are one of my most beloved Followers.
                        How much do you love Me?
Judas:             O My Master! You are my Heart and Soul!
Jesus:              Then, will you give Me what I ask?
Judas:             I willingly lay my life at Your feet, Dear Lord...
Jesus:              Judas, between life and honor, what is dearer to you?
Judas:             Why? Of course, Honor, no doubt. What is Life without Honor?
Jesus:              Then, if I ask for your Honor, for My sake, will you give?
Judas:             (after a little thought) Yes My Lord, Most willingly.   But, why all this
              at this late hour? Tomorrow You are to meet a gathering of poor peasants
                         and destitutes.    You need rest before the busy day!
 Jesus:             Tomorrow is a crucial day in My life! Dear Judas. You are so dear to Me, that I have chosen to seek from you, a Gift for My sake, a great sacrifice for My cause.
Judas:             I am honored and gratified .Tell me what I have to do?
Jesus:              Time has come for Me to return to My Father. But as a last Act, I have to
give-up My Life as a Supreme Sacrifice for the sake of My People and those who come after them for thousands of years to come! I am to be crucified, and die on the Cross but Resurrect and Rise to Heaven so that People realize that I AM THE SON OF GOD and keep faith in Me.  You should help Me in this supreme task, without expecting any glory, nay! Willing to be accused and hated forever as a Traitor. It has been prophesied that I will be betrayed. To make it come true, this is my request to you.
Judas:             My Lord, I will do as you bid, Earthly glory or dishonor are of no concern to me when I am to serve you.  Tell me what I have to do?
Jesus:              (whispers) tomorrow you will go to Jewish priests and identify Me to them.
            Will you do this?
Judas:             (with a heavy heart) Lord, My life and honor are at your feet, to serve You. I will do your bidding. I am grateful for the trust you have kept in me.


(Three days later) A crowd of followers of Christ have gathered to mourn the crucifixion of Jesus. They see Judas at a distance.  They rush to him crying “traitor traitor”.  One of them throws a big stone at him. The crowd shout” Betrayer, Traitor” and shower stones on Judas who has fallen down, He says aloud” My Master, This is nothing compared to what You endured on the Cross, I am happy to be coming back to You. My Master!”!.......  and falls dead.

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