Thursday 30 July 2015


In the article titled ‘Why Ranganaatha chose to remain at Srirangam’ by Sri Shadagopan Iyengar, sent earlier, there is an observation as below:-
“We are slightly confused here. Several questions arise regarding the gifting of Ranga vimaanam and the deity, by Sri Rama to Vibhishana.
First and foremost, would anyone give away the Perumal who forms the object of one’s daily worship? And more pertinently, would one part with a moorthy which had been worshipped by one’s distinguished ancestors, who had themselves obtained the Perumal after Herculean effort? For instance, would you part with a Saalagraama moorthy or vigraham which has been in your family for ages and has been ministered to lovingly by your forefathers? Not only would you not do it, you wouldn’t even think of such a thing. Yet, this is what Sri Rama did-He gifted away to Vibhishana the Ikshvaaku kula daivatam, which had been bequeathed to Him and which was more precious to Him than the entire kingdom of Kosala.”   Unquote
 My line of thinking about the reason why Sri Rama gifted Ranga Vimaanam and deity to Vibhishana is as below.
 It was Sri Rama, the God-incarnate who did it , and not you or I,He is Trikaalagyna and in His wisdom He gifted it to Vibhishana and also saved it at Sri rangam for the upliftment of Aalwars ,Aacharyas and Bhaktas ,like you and me.
King Ikshwaaku had brought Idol of Ranganaatha from Ksheera sagara and installed in Ayodhya and was worshiping  Ranganatha. All the kings of his dynasty including Sri Rama worshiped the deity. But Sri Rama being God- incarnate himself, there was no compelling reason (except shistaachara) to  His continuing worship of Ranganaatha. Further, He thought of end of epoch, when He was to leave for his final Abode with all His brothers, all inhabitants of Ayodhya may opt to follow Him, and Ayodhya  would be virtually deserted.
So, Sri Rama decided to part with Ranganatha to Vibhishana He also thought of beginning of Kali Yuga when  South India would be the hub of Bhakti Movement and all the Aalwars and Aacharyas would look for an Archaavataara Moorthy,to sing in their  Divya Prabhandams ,and Sri Ranganaatha would be the ideal answer.So Sri Ranganath chose to remain at Srisangam instead of being taken to Srilanka.
The following extract of a blog may support my line of thinking.

Extract from blog-“Non-random Thoughts”

The end of Rama
All the people of Ayodhya joined Rama in leaving the earthy plane. All of them entered the river Sarayua and had jala Samadhi. The city wore a deserted look after their exit.
As told by Kalidasa:-
Having placed Kusha, who was like the goading-rod to his elephant-like hostile princes, in Kushavati; having placed Lava, who drew drops of tears of joy by his witticisms from the eyes of the good, in Sharavati, that firm-minded Rama with his younger brothers and with the fire-tray carried in front of him started for the North while the inhabitants of Ayodhya precipitately leaving their homes followed him out of devotion to their lord. [15-97, 98]

While there arrived a heavenly aircraft for himself, that kind-hearted one to his adherers Rama made the Sarayu River as staircase to heavens for his followers who wish to discard their earthly forms and ascend to heaven. [15-100]

Since the concourse of people seeking a plunge was great at that spot it looked almost like go-pratam, a line of closely packed cows swimming across, and as a consequence became celebrated as a sacred spot under that name, go-pratara, on this earth. [15-101]

What happened after the exit of Rama?

The sons of Rama and his brothers were in their kingdoms assigned to them at the time of Rama's exit. None of them knew what happened at Ayodhya. But Rama's son Kusha  could not sleep well at that night. The goddess of Ayodhya, pained by the exit of all her subjects appeared before Kusha (in dream?) and begged  Kusha to return to the old capital, Ayodhya.  The next morning Kusha announced the vision of the night, and immediately set out for Ayodhya with his whole army. Arrived there, King Kusha quickly restored the city to its former splendour.

He married Kumudavati and had a son Athithi from her.


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