Monday 30 November 2015

Sub. Story writing competition

Dear Children, Here is Happymantata greeting you for Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2016.
He desires to stimulate the skill of Story Telling in YOU, and thinks of holding a Story Writing Competition, during coming holidays .The theme of the story is given below. You may give your own title for the story and illustrate with pictures if you wish. As far as I know, there is no story relating to this in any Scriptures/Puranas. So you can use your imagination and even give a modern-day solution!
You may take help of any body, friends, elders. The story could be in less than1000 words. Send it to me by e-mail to reach before Jan.31st 2016. A panel of 3 will scrutinize and evaluate. Give your name ,Age, Class of study, City, You may send more than one entry, Your friend could also participate.  Those selected as best three could be put on Happymantata Blogspot with their name and age.They may also be mailed to those on my mailing list
 Any suggestion of yours is welcome
   Background:  You are familiar with the story of birth of Ganesha,It is briefly as below.


 Shiva and Parvati are Gods residing on Himalayas.They have not yet had any children. One day Parvati wants to go for bath and wants privacy. She takes out the turmeric powder she has applied to her body and out of that, prepare a doll and breaths life to it. This is Parvati’s cute son.She commands to him to guard the entrance and see that nobody should be allowed in till she comes out of the bath.After a while, Shiva walks in and tries to enter. The boy stops Shiva and does not allow Shiva to go into his own house! Shiva, in a fit of anger at this impudence, severs the boy’s head with his trident (thrishoola).The boy’s head flies off and is lost in the forest.

 Parvati comes out to find her dear son beheaded by Shiva and is very much grieved. She wants her son to be revived. Shiva realizes his mistake and wants to pacify Parvati.His servants cannot find the severed head. They find a baby- elephant, cut its head and bring it, which is fixed on to the boy’s body. And Shiva revives it. Thus Ganesha or Gajaanana , a boy with elephant head, comes to being and all are happy .
Now you build a story of what happened to the severed head of the boy created by Parvati. It is too precious to be left to waste. And so is the baby-elephant with out a head!
 A possible lead -
Now, the mother of the baby elephant who has lost its head, is grieved .That elephant is a devotee of Lord Vishnu , whom she approaches. Vishnu uses his Sudarshana Chakra to locate the severed head of the boy created by Parvati.This could be fixed on to the body of baby-elephant to revive it. But, the problem is, with all the intelligence in the celestial head, how could it feed and sustain the elephant body,without the elephant-trunk? Like Narasimha, Hayagreeva  This  Human with elephant body could be called by Gajamaanava or similar name.
Also, include a situation where Gajamanava meets his cousin Gajanana!!
Now Start Thinking and weaving a nice interesting Story!!   GOOD LUCK.

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