Saturday 29 June 2013



Subhaashitas are some wise sayings about day-to-day affairs, put in crisp simple words which stick to our mind.

(1)  Sajjanasya hridayam Navaneetham,Yad vadanti Kavayaha  tad-aleekam!
                  Anya Deha vilasat paritaapaat, Sajjano dravati no Navaneetham!!

Translation: “The heart of a good person is (like) butter”, thus say the poets. But this is False! A good person’s heart melts at somebody else’s misery whereas butter does not melt when some other container is agitated.
It means: butter melts only when it’s container is heated or agitated while in the case of Good persons  their heart melts even when somebody else are agitated or miserable.

      (2) Kaachaha Kaanchana samsargaath dhattay maarakatim duthym !

In the company of Gold, even a piece of glass acquires the sparkle of Diamond!
Likewise, in the company of wise persons even an ordinary person get transformed.

(3)      Satyam bruyaat Priyam bruyaat, na bruyaat satyam appriyam!
Priyam-cha na-anrutam  bruyaat ayshaha Dharma Sanaatanam!!
Speak the truth, speak that which is pleasant, do not tell that which is unpleasant though it may be truth!
Do not tell untruth (falsehood) even though it be pleasant (to the listener)
This is the righteous  way from ages.

(4)      Api Swarna-mayee Lankaa na may rochati Lakshmanaa! 
      Jananee Janma-bhoomischa Swargaat api gareeyasi!

O Lakshmana! Though  Lanka is all Golden, yet it is not to my taste.
Mother and Motherland are much greater than Heaven itself !!
(This is told by Raama to Lakshmana after killing Ravana and conquering Lanka, when Lakshmana suggests that he stay over and rule Lanka instead of going back to Ayodhya)

(5)      Vidvatvam-cha  Nrupatvam-cha naanu-tulyam Kadaachana!
Swa deshay poojyatay Raaja, Vidwaan sarvatra poojyatay!!

Scholarship and Kingship can never be compared!
A King is honored (only) in his country, while a Scholar is honored everywhere!

(6)      Upaadhyaascha  Vaidyaascha  Kaaryaantay tyakta-jeevitaaha!

A Teacher and a Doctor are like dead persons (forgotten) once their work is over!

(7)      Yaha preenayate sucharitaihi Pitaram sa Putraha.
Yad Bhartrureva hitam icchati tat Kalatram !
Yan mitram aapadi sukhay cha sama kriyam
Yadetat–trayam punyakrito labhantay!!

A son is one who pleases his Father with his good character
A wife is one who always wishes for her husband’s good
A friend is one who is (always with you) both during difficult periods and prosperity,
Only those who have in previous birth done good deeds, and earned punya can  get these three (A good son, A good wife, A good friend )
(Do you know- Sanskrit has 3 words for ‘Wife’ They are :Patni  in feminine, Kalatram  in neuter  and Daaraaha in masculine gender  plural !! all meaning Wife!  You can coin an appropriate word for any type of wife !

(8)    Chintaayaascha Chitaayaascha Bindu maatram Vishishyate
         Chitaa dahati Nirjeevam, Chintaa dahati Jeevitam!
(When written in devanaagari script) the difference between  “Chitaa” and “Chintaa” is only a dot, “Chitaa” means a funeral ‘pyre’, “Chintaa” means ‘worry’. While Chitaa burns the dead, Chintaa burns up the living.

(8) Yauvanam  dhana samruddhihi  prabhutvam avivekitaa,
     Ekamevaapi anarthaaya kimu yatra chatusthayam!

Youth, Riches, Power and Foolishness, each one present in a person, can cause ruin.What will be the result if all the four combine (in one person)!

A Riddle!

(10) Kayshavam patitam drustwaa Pandavaaha harsha nirbharaaha!
                 Rudanty Kauravaaha sarvey Bho Bho Kayshava Kayshava !!

This is a riddle; It seems to mean:  Seeing Kayshava who has fallen down, Pandavas are overjoyed. All the Kauravas are crying Ho Kayshava Ho Kayshava!! IT IS Ridiculous
Because Paandavas who are favorites of   Kayshava ( i.e. Krishna) would not be overjoyed to see him fallen  nor Kauravas who are enemies of Krishna, would not cry! So  there is some other meaning!
 Finding a carcass (kay shavam) lying below, (patitam), the vultures with white breast (Paandavaaha) are overjoyed  (harsha nirbharaaha). While (Seeing their prey being snatched away) Crows (kauravaaha the black ones) cry out (rudyate) Oh! Oh! the carcass is going away (Bho bho kayshava-kayshava)

(11)    Kanyaa varayaty roopam , Maataa  vittam  Pitaa shrutam!
    Baandavaaha  kulam ichchanti  mristhaannam  itare janaaha!!
(In a Marriage,) the Girl seeks Boy’s looks, her Mother seeks wealth Father seeks his qualifications, Relatives look for his family background or status, others i.e. Guests, expect sumptuous meals!!

Here is a gag, a dig at doctors in a light vein!!  No offence please

(12) Vaidya Raaja namas-tubhyam Yamaraaja Sahodara !
      Yamas-to harati Praanaan, Vaidya-raajo Dhanaani-cha!!

Salutations to Mr. Doctor (Vaidya raja), you are the Brother of God of Death (Yama).
While God of Death steals peoples’ life, Vaidyaraaja steals their Money ,in addition!!

 (13) Chaturanga Balay Raajaa jagato vasham aanayet.!
        Aham Panchaanga-balavaan Aakaasha vasham aanaye!!

An Astrologer says:
The King conquers the World with his Four-fold Army. (chaturanga bala) (In olden days it was ‘Elephants, cavalry, chariots, and soldiers’ now-days, it is ‘Army, navy, air force and engineers’) But I am armed with Panchaanga (almanac) to rule the skies!! (i..e. With the help of Panchanga, or almanac, I manipulate and interpret the positions of planets, to please and thus conquer  my clients.

      This is an advice to Parents

(14) Laalayet Pancha-varsheenaam,Taadayet Dasha-varshinaam
       Praaptayshu shodashay varshay Putram Mitravat aacharet.!!

Pamper your five-year old child with love, smack the ten-year old, (to correct or teach him) but on his reaching 16 years age ,treat him like a friend.

This is my addition!

Praptey to Ashititamay varshay pitaram, poutravat laalayet!

On his reaching eighty years treat a parent like a grand child (toddler)!!!      

A pun on word  Lokanaatha.

(15)    Aham-cha twam-cha Raajendra, Loka-naathou ubhau api.
       Bahurveeher-aham Raajan  Shasthee Tatpurusho Bhavaan.!!

O Great King, you and I are both Lokanaathas (in Sanskrit). ’Lokanaatha’, in my case is conjugated in Bahurveehi samaasa as “Loko yasya naaathaha saha” meaning ‘the one whose lord is the world’ i.e. everyone is my boss! In your case, ‘Lokanaatha’ (in Shasthee tatpurusha vibhakti) ‘one who is Lord of the world’

In light vein!  How to become Well-known!

(16)    Ghatam bhindyat, Patam chindyaat, Kuryaat raasabha-rohanam!
        Yena  kena prakaarena Prasiddha Purusho Bhava !!

Some persons want to become well-known person by any means. A method suggested by the poet is,
Go throwing stones and breaking pots being carried by girls! The moment they see you they shout “Pot breaker is coming!” Another is to Tear the garments of others. Yet another is to ride a donkey. These are some easy methods to become well-known!

(17)    Kamalay Brahmaa Shayate Haraha shayathe Himaalaye
        Ksheerabdhyaa-cha Harihi shayathe Manye matsuka shankayaat!!

Brahmha sleeps in a lotus flower. Hara (Eswara) sleeps on Himaalaya mountain, Hari sleeps in the Ocean of Milk, All this perhaps due to fear of BUGS !

(18)    Pustakam Vanitaa Vittam  Para-hasthay gatay Gataha!
              Atho-wa  punar-aayaatam   jeerno, bhrastho ta  kunthitaha

A book, a lady or money, once they leave your hand, they are gone forever!
In case you get them back, they are (book)  tattered (lady) tainted, or (money) short !

         Maatruvat para daareshu, para-dravyeshu losthavat!
        Aatmavat sarva bhuteshu ,yah pashyati sa pashyati!!

 One who sees a Mother in every other woman, who considers others’ money as mud (lostha), one who considers every others as his own self, he is the one who sees things in the right perspective.

(19) Udyamena hi sidhyanta kaaryaani na manorathay!
       Nahi suptasya simhasya pravishanti mukhe mrugaha!!

It is only with Effort that a task is achieved, not merely by Desire.
The prey will not come and fall into the mouth of a sleeping Lion.

(20) Takshakasya Visham Dantay Makshikaayaaha cha mastakay
                 Vrischikasya Visham Puchchay Sarvaangay Durjanasya tat.

A snake has venom in his tooth; a honey bee has venom in its head.
In the case of a scorpion it is in its tail. In the case of wicked people it is all over the body!!

(22) Udyamaha,Saahasam, Dhairyam, Buddhihi - Shaktihi, Paraakramam,
       Shad-ete yatra vartante tatra Daivaha sahaayaka

Effort, Perseverance, Courage, Intelligence, Strength and Valor - where these six traits exist God’s grace is bound to be there.

(23) Aacharyaat paadam aadattay paadaha shishya-swa medhayaa
       Paadaha saha-brahmachaaribhyaha  shaysham kaala-kramenacha!

A student gets one-quarter of his knowledge from his teacher,
Another quarter from his own personal intelligence,
Yet another from his co-students (by discussion),
And the remaining quarter in course of time (through experience)

(24) Apatya darshanaarthay yaa praanaan api tyajeth
       Tyajanty taamapi krooraa maataram daara hetavay

While a mother stakes her life to get a glimpse of her child,
There are children so heartless that they forsake such a mother for the sake of their wives.   (add.25.1.11) (Janani-p.35 by Channakeshava)


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