Friday 28 June 2013

Five Types Of Fools !


Long ago there was a good and kind King. He had a wise Queen whose counsel he sought often when he had tricky state- problems to solve.

One day he came across a complex problem and he hurried into the Queen’s private chamber unannounced. The queen was in a serious discussion with a group of friends. Hence his thus barging into the chamber caused surprise and embarrassment to queen and her friends. The queen got up and smiling, called him aside and whispered” Welcome to my Foolish Lord of first grade!”

The king was shocked to hear this comment, and quickly returned to his chamber fuming with anger. But soon he calmed down on realizing the impropriety of his action. Now he was curious to know why the queen addressed him as a First grade fool! He called his wise minister and told him all that happened. The minister smiled and said; Sire,the Honorable Queen has correctly classified him !.

Then he explained: There are five categories of fools in this world.

First category: Harmless Fool. He acts impulsively and causes embarrassment to others, as what you did. .He has made a fool of himself but no harm is caused .Hence he is of first category.

Second category: Interrupting Fool: This person, having been invited into a group of friends misuses their courtesy and interrupt their conversation and tries to force his views on them without listening to others. He considers himself wiser than others; His behavior also causes embarrassment to those who invited him and annoyance to others. Such a person is classified second category, and is put up with due to courtesy, being not harmful.

Third category: Proverbial Fool: This fellow is arrogant and insensitive to others’ feelings. He does not realize his lack of knowledge and the ridicule he is subjected to.

Fourth category: Dangerous Fool: He is a somewhat knowledgeable person, but his ego and desire to show off drives him to contradict and find fault with everyone. Though in the beginning some may get attracted by his knowledge, soon they get repulsed due to his ego and meanness.

Fifth category: Wise fool! He is an unfortunate fellow who cannot avoid the company of one of the above categories of fools, either by choice, compulsion or convenience. While his wisdom impels to react, his predicament prevents him to respond.

In short
, First one is a fool but does not know he is one.        People tolerate him.

Second one is a fool who cannot avoid being one.                People Pity him.

Third one is a fool who is blind to his faults.                           People avoid him.

Fourth one is a fool who is too self-centered.                        People detest him

Fifth one is a fool who knowingly has to forbear.           A number of people who are not fools
by their action, fall under this category!

The minister concluded; My lord, the Queen has quietly and subtly indicated you your position among the categories of fools in this world!

The king enjoyed the explanation given by the minister. He understood his mistake and the subtle manner in which the Queen had showed it to him. He appreciated the wisdom and straightforwardness of her.

With a twinkle of mischief in his eye, the king asked the minister “Now you and the queen have categorized me as fool of first category. May I know to which category do you belong?

Minister replied politely. “My Lord, I cannot venture to speak about Queen. As for myself I submit that this minister of yours falls under the fifth category of Fools because, by necessity, he keeps company of Your Highness.!!


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