Saturday 28 February 2015

Maarkandeya, the boy who conquered Death

Dear Children:        
 The hero of our story today is a boy who defied Death and became “Chiranjeevi”- or Ever-Living! Maarkandeya is ever remembered for the “Mrityunjaya Mantra” he gave to the world.

Long ago, there was a great sage called Mrikandu. His wife was Sumitra. The couple did not have a child for a long time. They did severe penance to please Shiva. Shiva was pleased with their penance and manifested before them and asked if they had any desire.  Mrikandu humbly asked for a son as a boon. Shiva gave a choice- Several children with long life but dull-headed ones, or a single son who would be wise and righteous, but had limited life. Mrikandu chose the latter, and Shiva granted the boon.
Soon Sumitra was in the family way and after a time, gave birth to a cute, bright boy. He was named Markandeya, the son of Mrikandu. The sages who studied his horoscope (position of planets at the time of birth), were surprised to find that the boy had all the features of a great person, but, alas, he was to live only up to his 16th year !.Only the parents were told about this.
Markandeya grew up as a very brilliant boy who mastered all the Vedas and Shaastras even at his young age. He was very obedient and devoted to his parents and elders and everyone whom he met were immensely pleased with him.
 One day he was sent to the forest for collecting Dharba-grass and Samits , articles of worship. Sapta-Rishis, the seven great sages of Heaven, happened to pass by in the forest. They disguised themselves as ordinary ascetics and met the boy. .Markandeya did not know who they were, yet showed respect and prostrated before them. The ascetics in disguise were pleased with him, and the usual words of blessing ‘Dheerga aayushmaan Bhava’ (May you live long), came out of their mouth!  It was then, that Saptarishis realized that the boy whom they had blessed was destined for a short life! But, they had a gift from Lord Brahma that, what they uttered would always become true! They went to Brahma and told what had happened. –that they had inadvertently blessed the boy for long life while he was destined for a short life. Brahma smiled and said that it was the same destiny that had prompted them now to bless the boy, and the will of God would prevail. Neither the boy nor his parents and other humans were aware of all that happened.

Markandeya noticed that his parents were very worried and unhappy as days passed.  He said it was his duty as a son, to make them happy. When he pressed for the reason, they were in tears, they told him of his limited life. The boy said, “Do not worry on that account. I too want to live long as I have a lot to learn and do good to this world. I will do penance and pray Lord to give me long life”. He sought their blessings and went to forest to do penance. He installed a Shiva-linga at an auspicious place on the banks of Holy River Tungabhadra and began his worship of Shiva and do intense penance to please Shiva.
Soon, the day of his end of life came. He was in deep meditation. At the appointed time, the servants of Yama, the God of Death, came to him to take his life.  They tried to throw their noose on Markandeya. Markandeya who was in deep meditation suddenly felt his five senses (seeing,hearing, smelling, touch, and taste) were failing, but  his mind and consciousness were clear and sharp, because of his meditation.The Yama-dootas(servants of Yama) failed to pull out his soul. They had never experienced such failure in their task and had to go back to Yama without the boy’s soul. Yama was very angry as his servants could not enforce the laws of nature. He decided to do it himself .He rode his Buffalo and came to Markandeya, to throw his Paasha or noose and drag his soul.  Markandeya was hugging the Shiva-linga and intensely praying, unaware of these happenings. When Yama tried to pull the boy’s soul, an angry Shiva manifested from the Linga and demanded,” Yama, how dare you disturb my dear young devotee  when he is in deep meditation on Me”. Yama pleaded that Markandeya’s life was to end, and he had come to do his duty of taking away,the soul of the boy.
All this commotion distracted Markandeya . He opened his eyes, realized the situation and started praying to Shiva loudly :-

“ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे   सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् 

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥“
Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe 
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan 
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-
[A]mrtaat ||

1: Om, We Worship the Three-Eyed One (Lord Shiva), 
2: Who is Fragrant (Spiritual Essence) and Who Nourishes all beings.
3: May He severe our Bondage of Samsara (Worldly Life), like a Cucumber (severed from the bondage of its Creeper), .
4: ... and thus Liberate us from the Fear of Death, by making us realize that we are never separated from our Immortal Nature.

Shiva was immensely pleased with this hymn from His devotee and, not only did He send away Yama ,but made Markandeya, a ‘Chiranjeevi’ or immortal.  The mantra or prayer became famous as Mahaa Mrutyunjaya Mantra or a hymn to win over Death.

Thus, Markandeya conquered Death and returned to

his parents, they were immensely happy and proud 

of such an illustrious son
This story illustrates that, with determination, perseverance and firm faith in God, most difficult things can be achieved

Mrutyunjaya, the boy, evolving into a Maharishi, and his adventures, is another interesting story

Ack. The hymn and its meaning from link; on WEB


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