Sunday 18 January 2015


Dear Children, Happy New Year- 2015 to you all !.

Often we see that a physically handicapped or deformed person is ridiculed or teased by other children. We assume he is useless or worthless. We often do not see or recognize the noble and bright personality behind the grotesque appearance.

Let me tell you a story of a person who was deformed and grotesque in appearance, but became a famous sage. He is Sage  Ashtaa vakra.  Vakra means deformed, Ashta means eight. He was deformed in 8 places,-hands, knees, legs , chest and head! You can see from the picture below, how he might have looked!

The story happened in the Treta yuga or Sri Rama’s time, and is mentioned in Mahaa Bhaarata of Dwaapara Yuga. During the wanderings of Paandavas in forest, they come to an Ashrama and Lomasa Rishi who was accompanying them tells this story of Asthaavakra

 Once there was a very learned Scholar- Sage Uddaalaka.  He was running a Guru Kula, a residential school, teaching Vedas. The students lived with the teacher and his family, learning Vedas and also assisting the family with minor chores. Sujaata was a daughter of Uddaalaka. She used to sit in the class and listen to Uddaalaka’s teaching Vedas to the pupils.

Kahola (also called Kagola) was one of the students in the Gurukul. He was a good student, he was honest, obedient and ready to be of help to the household.  Uddaalaka’s family liked him for his nature and treated him as a member of the family.  On completion of his studies of Vedas, Sujaata was married to Kahola and they set up a separate house . Soon, Sujaata was pregnant. She continued to listen to the teachings of Vedas by her father. 

The child in the womb of Sujaata could also hear the Vedas, and though not yet born, had acquired the knowledge of correct pronunciation of Vedas. Once a scholar came to Uddaalaka’s house. Sujaata and Kahola welcomed him and treated him very well. While talking to them, the scholar asked Kahola to recite a particular part of Veda. Kahola made several mistakes in pronunciation. Each time he made a mistake, the child in the womb of Sujaata would squirm in distress, as it also noticed the mistake! This happened eight times.
In due course, when Sujaata delivered the child, it was bright and with intelligent eyes, but was found to be deformed in eight limbs; hands, knees, legs, chest and head.  The ugly child was named   Asthaavakra meaning ‘crooked at eight places.’ But, when he grew up, he was found to be very intelligent, and learned, as he could remember all that he had heard while he was in the mother’s womb!

When the young boy went out to play, all the boys would make fun of him and tease him. But he would not mind. He would say, ugliness and deformities do not matter, a person is judged by his knowledge and honest living.  He was eager to teach them and help in their learning. Soon, in spite of his ugliness he was liked by everybody for his good nature and wisdom.
 Kahola could not earn much and was poor.  Sujaata once suggested to Kahola to go to King Janaka’s court and exhibit his knowledge and get a reward. Accordingly, he went to Mithila and announced himself in King Janaka’s court, seeking an opportunity to exhibit his knowledge. At that instant, an attendant came with a message from the queen and Janaka had to leave the court, asking the Court Scholar, Vidwan Vandi to test the new-comer.

In those days, one of the common methods of testing a person’s knowledge was to give a statement and ask him to prove or disprove it by argument. This is called ‘Tarka’Shaastra.  Vandi challenged Kahola for a debate on Scriptures.  Unfortunately, Kahola failed and Vandi taunted him to get drowned in shame. Kahola could not endure the shame and disappointment of returning empty-handed, and drowned himself. Uddaalaka who heard this tragedy, tried to console his daughter Sujata and brought her and Asthaavakra to his house where the boy got a very good education in all Vedas and Vedaangas. Since the boy had heard some of the Vedas even while in his mother’s womb, and was a prodigy, he became proficient in all Vedas even as a boy of 12.

Asthaavakra had heard how the Court Scholar, Vandi was the cause for his father’s dishonor and death. He wanted to challenge Vandi and defeat him and restore the honor of Kahola. He set out to Mithila to King Janaka’s court.

When he tried to enter the King’s Court, the guards refused to admit him as he was too young and looked very ugly.  The boy protested that he was fully qualified.  The Prime Minister of King Janaka who was passing by, heard this and came to test the boy. He was much impressed by the boy’s knowledge and cleverness and asked the guards to allow him in.

 King Janaka was holding Court.   All were surprised and amused to find this Asthaavakra,a boy with deformed limbs, coming to challenge the famous Scholar,Vandi .They wondered if the boy also  would be dishonored and ridiculed by Vandi, like his father.

Asthaavakra said, “A person should be judged, not by his physical appearance but by his knowledge and ability. A person’s gray hair does not make him an Elder, He has to be wise, instead!
Vandi put very tricky and difficult questions and found Asthaavakra, a good match. Soon he had to accept defeat at the hands of Asthaavakra .Everybody in the court praised Ashtaavakra and Vandi had to  beg pardon for treating Kahola, the boy’s father, so badly as to cause his drowning.
Vandi was so much ashamed that he attempted to get drowned. But Lo! he came out of water, a Celestial being.!

Vandi revealed that he was son of Varuna, the God of Ocean, and due to his arrogance, he was cursed by a Rishi to become a human,When he begged pardon, he was told that the curse would end when he got vanquished by a mere boy. Vandi was grateful to Ashtaavakra for restoring to him ,his celestial body. With Varuna’s favour, Kahola was resurrected and restored. Asthaavakra got all the deformities removed when he had a dip in a holy lake. Uddaalaka, Kahola and Sujaata were immensely happy and  proud of this young boy.

 King Janaka was much impressed by the knowledge and keenness of intellect , and took him as the chief conductor of a Yaaga he was  performing. Asthaavakra became a great sage.

  We should not judge a person from his appearance or ignore or laugh at physically handicapped persons. We should try to look for and bring out latent skills in them.


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